God Jul och Gott Nytt år!

This year has been an amazing year for Mantex. We have sold and delivered Flow Scanners to a number of European pulp and paper manufacturers and these machines are continuously providing real-time wood chip quality data for feed-forward digester control and an improved pulp making processes.

We have received our first order from the growing bioenergy sector where we find a significant interest from medium and large CHP (combined heat and power) biofuel plants. The aim here is to measure biofuel quality; primarily energy and moisture content, and the weight.

A new research lab

Mantex flagship product is the Flow Scanner. We have also been busy refining our technology to further increase accuracy and reliability, and we’ve added increased functionality for better remote monitoring, diagnosis and support. A big part of this work was done in our new X-ray research facility which was commissioned before the summer. Further material analysis has improved the softwood material profiles used in the Flow Scanner and developed new hardwood material profiles. There have also been improvements to the core technology and algorithmic functions.The result has been greater stability and robustness appreciated by customers who depend on its operation.

Portable instrument development

The Desktop Scanner, our portable sample analyser, is being developed to measure biofuel with initial results from blind tests very encouraging.

Giving the gift of trees

We would also like to extend a big thank you to our customers, partners, suppliers and fans for their commitment and support. And to our wonderful employees who’ve worked so hard this last year to make this amazing technology come true!

VI_skogen_giftbuttonThis year we’ve decided to increase our planet’s biomass by having the Swedish charity organisation VI-skogen plant some trees for us in West Africa. Here in Europe we take trees for granted, but in Africa they can often mean the difference between life and death.

Finally, we look forward to next year where we hope to see even more customers take advantage of the benefits provided by qDXA technology!

We all wish you a Happy Holiday and a great 2015!

Erik Odén, founder


PS God Jul och Gott Nytt År means Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in Swedish.

PPS If you think our Christmas card this year looks strange, you can be forgiven. It’s actually an X-ray image of wood chips on a conveyor belt with some added metal cookie cutters (a tree, a Santa and a star). Everything was fed through a Mantex dual-energy (qDXA) scanner, which makes it easy to separate and colorize different materials based on their distinctive densities. If this picture doesn’t get you into the holiday spirit, we don’t know what will!