The team running Mantex

The team responsible for implementing the company’s strategy as determined by the board.

Max Gerger

Mr. Max Gerger

Born in 1962 and employed since 2016. Education: Master of Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

Long experience from leading positions in major international corporations such as Ericsson, Infineon, and Intel. Additionally, CEO experience includes restructuring, growing, and internationalization of a number of entrepreneurial companies.

Ownership: 1 284 677 shares.
Other assignments: None.


Mrs. Maria Söderström
CFO (Interim)

Born 1968 and appointed in July 2024. B.Sc. in Human Resource Development and Labour Relations from Uppsala University, also a Law degree from Stockholm University and Business Economic Studies.                                          

Maria has held several similar roles as CFO, e.g. CFO at Semper Nordic, where she was also a member of the board, and most recently interim CFO at Switch Nordic Green AB.

Ownership: 1 428 570 shares.
Other assignments: Consultant and CEO of Karusellen Ekonomi & Juridik AB.

Leif Adelöw porträtt

Mr. Leif Adelöw
Chief Scientific Officer

Born 1970. Appointed in August 2023. Master of Science, Uppsala University. 

Previous positions at Royal Institute of Technology/KTH, Xcounter, Swedish Defense Research Agency/FOI and Varex imaging Sweden AB.

Ownership: None.
Other assignments: None.

Juha Rantanen

Mr. Juha Rantanen
Chief Technical Officer

Born 1962. Appointed in October 2021. Master of Science, Uppsala University.

Previous positions at Xcounter and Conflux.

Ownership: 1 170 000 shares.
Other assignments: None.