Midsummer celebrations
On Friday 20 June Sweden reverts to its heathen traditions to celebrate Midsummer’s Eve. Originally a celebration of the year’s longest day (the Summer Solstice occurs on 21 June) it has now become a food and dancing event shared with friends and family. As we Swedes jump around the May-pole making frog-like sounds, eat our pickled herring and sample the spiced snaps, we abandon our goal-oriented and functional thinking for something entirely different.
Our Nordic brothers are not much different. In Denmark and Norway they celebrate Sankt Hans (John the Baptist) by lighting fires, playing games and burning paper witches. The Finns celebrate Juhannus (also John the Baptist) with extended sauna baths, high-alcohol-content punch and lots of late-night dancing.
If you are about the Polar Circle you need to prepare yourself in advance since the sun never sets on this magical day – the party never really ends!
Support during summer
Many people begin their summer vacation around this period as well and things tend to slow down until August when everyone is back. The same goes for Mantex were we’ll have a reduced work force during the summer. However, the Mantex Support lines are always open and can be reached as usual through our support web page.
We wish you all a very happy and sunny summer!